Vlog Episode.......I lost count. Me home alone and bored.
Before watching my post I would like to say to my brother who is out in Massachusetts that what your about to hear isnt about you. So dont worry.
To everyone else, Hello, this is my Vlog. I pace back and forth a lot. Sorry =0)
Arrh - now I'm going to have "we belong to the night" in my head all day.
I was just about to hit delete on this post until I read those commnets.
Mike I'm glad you have Pat Benatar in your head. Everyone knows she's your favorite
Maria that was an awesome comment.
I'm only keeping this post up to keep those comments. Now if you'll excuse me, it's 3:17 pm and I need to eat some breakfast. Some Ramen Breakfast
i was never a big fan of working in giant blue buildings either. i did like the shirts however. but i like yellow, so i guess i'm biased. don't worry, it gets better in the outside world