Oh Boy!!!
Dear Blog,
Why is it that you are my curse? I thought you were my friend. It would appear that you have been a combination of both my pain and my jinx. I've learned this week that the blog can be more powerful than I've ever imagined.
First I wrote a post about a lazy co-worker. Now, unlike any post I've ever written, people were talking about it all week. So much it got me in trouble. Not with work. They did find out but they were pretty cool about it. It was the co-workers. Some how that one little post caused arguments. Bad ones. For a short time I had people hating me. It was an uncormfortable week in my department. Good news though. I think everyone is over it. So now we can all get along again.
But Blog thats not the real reason why I'm upset. I'm upset because I announced on this page that I was on a diet, running 3 miles a day 5 days a yada yada yada. Since I wrote that post I have yet to run again. I also havent had time to pick up my weights. I was going to document my weight loss through this blog. Now I need to inform everybody what I've done.
Thursday I had an oil filled chicken croquette at work. That was gross. Than after work, before I saw Superman Returns, I had food from Chipotle, then I had popcorn. The next day I had a ham, cheese, roast beef, salami, peperoni, turkey sandwich at work. After work I had a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich. Today I had Orange chicken and in and out burger and cold stone. All spread out of course. I havent ran in 5 days. I suck.
So blog when I tell people about this they'll be pissed. Did you curse me blog? Why would you do that? I've always taken care of you.
I've come to the conclusion that if I want something, and I write about it, the opposite will happen. If that's the case than tomorrow I wont win the lottery, I won't have a good night at work, and I wont go for a run. Nice I think i took care of the problem. Blog, good luck trying to ruin my dreams tomorrow.
I will tell you tomorrow how things turn out. Until then, take care.
Sincerly, The Justin
Hopefully the blog isn't aware of reverse-psychology...
your blog called me today and said that it wasn't so much pissed at you but disappointed...I told your blog you would get back on tracka nd be one skinny ass mutha....well you know!!!
Justine, what happened to asking Marco about his great diet plan??????
so... justin, that's gross! how could you eat all that stuff? my tummy hurts just thinking of it. but i do think that it is so sweet of you to stop your running and start eating junk again just to make me look better. you are a true friend. thanks man.