Tonight was a big night. An exciting night. I saw Superman Returns. I was never a huge Superman fan. With the exception of Kryptonite, Superman is unstoppable, and Kryptonite isn't easy for a villain to find unless your name is Lex Luthor. I am a big fan of "good" movies with action, and good directors. This movie had both.
I am very familiar with the original four Superman movies and in case you didnt know this little bit of trivia, this movie is a sequel. Superman 4 was the last Superman movie which was 20 years ago. This movie takes place 5 years after the events from the previous film. What was extremely exciting for me, and I mean this, was the opening credits. They were the same as the other four films with the exception of 2006 special effects instead of 1981. It had the same cheesy blue opening credits that would pause a moment so the audience could read it, than zoom towards the screen just the in the originals. For me it was also great to hear John Willams Superman score again after all these years. Even though this movie was compsed by John ottman, you could still feel the heart and soul in the theme just like 20 years ago.

The movie itself was very good. I dont want to tell the story like most critics do, I just want to say that since this movie is a sequel, and good sequels are hard to do, that this sequel was exciting to sit through. I would see it again in a heart beat. What Superman lacks, and this is for all Superman movies and sometimes the comics, is lack of a good villain to fight. Lex Luthor is awesome, but I would still loved to see some kind of Royal Rumble with Superman and anyone else. Maybe someday we'll get to see Superman fight Doomsday (the guy who beat Superman to his death in the comic books 15 years ago). Luthor is played by kevin Spacey in this movie. I felt Spacey lit up the screen in every scene he was in. I enjoyed his performance. Although I do feel some people may be disapointed. I know a alot of people that didn't like Gene Hackmans Lex Luthor and i'm afraid Spacey does a good Homage to Hackman in this film.

One thing about this movie I want to defend from critics are the accusations that Brandon Routh who plays the Man of Steele is dry, flat and boring. I highly dis-agree. I felt his Clark Kent was hilarious, in fact I wanted more, and his Superman, well, how do you play a strong confident super hero. You play it with strength and confidence and that's exactly what Routh did.
I will say that another thing I loved about this movie was the end. No I'm not going to give anything away. Bryan Singer did a great job connecting this movie with the rest through a sort of continuity flow. Does that make sense? What I'm trying to say is not only did the beginning scroll and theme music connect the film with the previous ones, but the end shot was exactly the same as well. Like its predecessors Superman flys into space, looks to one direction than flys off camera. That also made me very happy.
So to reiterate, I loved this movie. I think if people go to this movie with the mind set that it's a sequel they will love it too.
Justine. I'm glad you liked the movie. I want to see this so it's cool to hear good things. That and you smell!!! Ha!
I can't wait to go see Nativity!!!! It's gonna be fucking AWESOME!!!
rock-n-roll my bitches~~~Mollye
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