A Mental Orgasm
I'm writing three posts in one night. Proud of me?
Today I was driving along Eagle Rock Blvd heading home from dropping off my friend Danny. As I was driving along I was stopped at a red light with one SUV in front of me. I looked up at a bumber sticker on the SUV that read "Gore Lieberman 2000". My mind went way back. With supporting Kerry Edwards for so long I almost for got that at one time there was a Gore/ Lieberman Campaign. My mind thought about how things would be different President Gore and Vice President Lieberman had a chance in the house. Would there have been no 9/11? Would we be in Iraq? Would gas prices be lower? Would there have been a better evacuation plan for Katrina or a better response time? Could day without an immigrant have been prevented (yeah I had to work a little harder that day thank you, Im just playing)? So many things ran through my mind and I thought how things could be different and better if Gore won. I also thought what if the country had learned its lesson and Kerry won in 04. That's when it happened. A Mental Orgasm.
They exist my friends. Thinking of things that could have/should have happened overwhelmed me with so much happiness that this is the best way to describe it. I'm so afraid that if I don't clarify that the orgasm wasn't real than I may have people at work tomorrow asking me about it. No I'm not talking about a real one. Trust me that needs to be said.
Well I don't have anything else to write on this subject. I thought I did. Just promise me this everyone. When you have your mental orgasms, think of me =0).
that's the gayest thing i've ever heard! J/K man.