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I Filled Up My Gas Tank, Success!!! ( this post is kind of dumb, feel free to skip it)

Today's a disaster. Since I always vent about work, and people are sick of it, I will just tell one work story tonight. So I'm in mid-sentence explaining to a customer what colors a product comes in when I found myself being forcably turned around by a fellow employee. I didn't know what happenned. I was completly pulled out of the moment. Once I was swung around that employee pointed to a big breasted, short skirt blonde girl. I was still confused. When I turned around back to the customer he looked pretty angry that I was taken away from him to look at a hot girl. I was pissed too. I basically figured out where I left off in my color explanation when I asked the customer to hold on a sec. I asked the employee if that woman was famous or something and he responded with "no, just hot!". I continued to be pissed and went back to helping the customer. After that happenned I gave myself an extra break. I sat down in the break room contemplating whats worse, the customers or some of my fellow employees.

During my lunch, instead of sitting down, I went and got me and Mollye Jackass Number 2 tickets. I made it back just in time to clock in. I did this during my lunch so I could avoid going to the theater after work that way I'd have the opportunity to go straight home after work.

Then I got a call from Mollye asking if me if I would mind of she stayed in Santa Barbara an extra day for work. She had been there already for 2 days. I should tell you that Mollye makes really good money when she's there. So I said it was fine and I found myself returning to the theater after work to return the tickets.

So on my way home I stopped by Best Buy and bought myself the "WildBoyz seaons 3 and 4" box set. I had a $20 coupon so it only cost me $10. Then I went to Costco and bought myself a $2 slice of pizza. Yum yum.

I get home around 7:15, sat in front of the computer and tried to write. First I tried writing part of a script I was working on but I got depressed when I thought about a movie trailer I had seen last night thats title was the same name as what I was titling my script. So I got depressed and stopped. Then I tried to blog something fun and instead out came this.

Wait I'm jumping ahead of myself, I went to Blockbuster to possibly buy a cheap used game. I coudlnt find one. I then bought some gas and headed home.

That's this post. The End


  1. Blogger Mike Ambs | 1:02 AM |  

    It's all Jackass's fault...

  2. Anonymous Anonymous | 11:00 AM |  

    "no she's just hot" that is a classic and even though i was not there...it pissed me off too!!

  3. Blogger Pablo | 1:23 AM |  

    Go Gas!!

  4. Blogger Inez | 11:26 AM |  

    can i guess what coworker that was?

  5. Blogger Manda | 1:30 PM |  

    awesome. sounds like a great day man!

    feels good to be alive, doesn't! i mean a full tank of gas, $2 pizza, hot girls at work. doesn't get much better than that. :)
    woo whooo!